A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math

Puja & Celebrations

Blog categorized as Puja & Celebrations

Janmashtami and Kathamo Puja 2023 at Ramakrishna Mission Digboi

Sri Sri Krishna Janmashtami Puja and Sri Devi Durga Pratima Kathamo Puja were observed on 7th September 2023, Thursday in the morning and evening respectively. Sampoorna Sri Sri chandi path was done by Swami Arunatmananda in the morning. The devotees offered Pushpanajali. Sr...

02.11.23 06:32 AM - Comment(s)
National Youth Day Celebration 2024 

Ramakrishna Mission, Digboi celebrated National Youth Day'24 on 12th January 2024 and organized a procession for the occasion from 7.45 AM to 9.00 A.M. in the morning. At first, the procession started from the Ashrama and circled popular places nearb...

02.11.23 06:32 AM - Comment(s)
Guru Purnima Celebrations 2023

On 3rd July 2023, Monday a special worship of Bhagwan Shri Ramakrishna with ‘Magalarati’, ‘Stotrapatha’, ‘Homa’ and ‘Anna Bhoga’ was arranged to celebrate the occasion of ‘Guru Purnima’. ‘Guru Tattwa and Guru Gita’ was discussed during the speci...

01.11.23 06:31 AM - Comment(s)
Sri Sri Durga Puja 2023

Ramakrishna Mission, Digboi arranged special worship of Divine Mother Sri-Sri Durga in clay image from 20th October 2023 (Shasti) to 24th October 2023 (Dashami), according to Vishuddha Siddhanta Almanac with due solemnity and joy. Large number of devotees and well-wishers attende...

01.11.23 06:31 AM - Comment(s)
Sri Sri Annapurna Puja Celebrations 2023

Sri Sri Devi Annapurna was worshipped in her clay image at Ramakrishna Mission, Digboi from 28th March 2023 to 30th March 2023‘Adhivas’, 'Amantranwere performed the day before the main puja. On 29th March Br. Soumitro worshipped the divine mother und...

06.04.23 06:59 AM - Comment(s)