We feel blessed to inform you that we at Ramakrishna Mission Digboi were blessed by the holy visit of Srimat Swami DivyanandaJi Maharaj, Senior Trustee, Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math and Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math, Cossiore Udyanbati. Revered Maharaj stayed at our Ashrama from 23rd September (Evening) to 26th September 2023 (Morning). Revered Maharaj bestowed Mantra Diksha on two days to a total of 149 devotees in our ashrama and about 600 devotees from various parts of upper north east India at Ramakrishna Mission Dibrugarh and Ramakrishna Sevasrama Tinsukia, Assam from 16th September 2023 to 21st September 2023 on separate days. He visited Ramakrishna Sevasrama Doomdooma and laid the foundation stone for the proposed Monks' Quarter. On the above occasion monks from other centres also visited our ashrama to pay their respect and homage to the Revered Maharaj. A bengali singing concert 'Trayi Bandana' was arranged on 24th September, evening in honor of the Revered Maharaj.The kind presence of the Revered Maharaj in our midst for so many days as well as his benevolence in granting mantra diksha for so many days to so many devotees will remain etched in the memory of all of us for a long time to come.